Crazy for Cocktails To-Go

Crazy for Cocktails To-Go

The past several months have necessitated innovation within the hospitality industry. No more so than for restaurants and bars, the clientele of which  seeks not only a cold beverage and a  tasty  meal,  but also a sense of community. Many of Napa...
Napa Valley Cocktail Company

Napa Valley Cocktail Company

Drinks to the Rescue It was a six-alarm idea – more like genius, when Deborah Hanson came up with the notion of starting a bar-on-wheels, called Napa Valley Cocktail Company. The genius part is that they serve cocktails at special events from a vintage fire...
Hanson Distillery

Hanson Distillery

ORGANIC CRAFT SPIRITS WITH A TWIST Looking for a new way to enjoy wine?  Wine Country welcomes Hanson of Sonoma as its first organic craft spirits distillery that uses wine grapes as its base. Hanson Distillery originated from a passion driven by sons Chris...